Saturday, March 1, 2008


First of all, i hate heights and i avoid them as often as possible. For example in gym class when we did the rock climbing wall while everyone went at least 3 times, I went once on the easyone and was freaked out for a while.
So a few months ago we went with a bunch of staff people to this mountain that had a bridge and stairway that was practically a ladder suspended over this really steep drop. And even though there was an easy way that was just climbing up a bunch of rocks, i took the stairway and even though i freaked out a bunch i was still able to make it across.


Anonymous said...

Dear Hahnji,

That's so cool that you were able to face a fear head-on like that!

Ms. J.

gossip girl said...


u did a really good job.

and i know how u feel cuz i'm afraid of heights too!!!


Kangaroo said...


who isn't scard of heights? even a little bit?

LaurenK said...

sameee hereee!!
i hated heights too!!
soo when i was little
i would never cross
bridges cause i was so
scareddd ~ =)
nice posting on
comee visit minee~